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Hi Everyone,


Is there the ability to consolidate multiple purchase orders for multiple production orders into 1 Purchase order?


For example: A client has an Outside process:


 10 production orders needing “heat treatment” (an outside process) can be tied to one PO with 10 lines instead of 10 POs each with one line

What release are you on as this is possible with 23R1. You can use the Create Purchase Order Process to create the purchase order, or the purchase order transactions - either works.  Same functionality can occur with the Vendor Shipment - you do not have to send 10 vendor shipments. These can be combined into one shipment. 


After you create the purchase order for heat treatment for one Production order.

To consolidate, If you change the Order Qty to 10 in the Purchase order -- > then you can use “PO link” available in Materials grid of the Production Order Details form to link rest of the production orders to the same purchase order. 
