I have several custom fields on the Cost Budget tab of the Projects screen. 5 of them are stored in the DB and they are working great. Â
My issue is getting a non bound field to display a value in the grid. I want to pull the Task Description field from the PMTask table and display it.
I debugged the rowselected event on the PMCostBudget cache and there is a correct value in the PMCostBudget.projectTaskID field.  Â
   public class ProjectEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.PM.ProjectEntry>
      #region Event Handlers
      protected void PMCostBudget_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
         var row = (PMCostBudget)e.Row;
      //PMCostBudget.projectTaskID = 1697

The DAC extension for this field is as follows
   public class PMBudgetExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.PM.PMBudget>
    Not showing the 5 db fields here for brevity - they work fine.
      #region UsrTaskDescription
      PXString(250, IsUnicode = true)]
      UPXUIField(DisplayName = "Task Description", Enabled = false)]
      ÂPXDefault(typeof(Select<PMTask, Where<PMTask.taskID, Equal<Current<PMCostBudget.projectTaskID>>>>), SourceField = typeof(PMTask.description), PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
      public virtual string UsrTaskDescription { get; set; }
      public abstract class usrTaskDescription : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<usrTaskDescription> { }
I am trying to get the description field as shown in the PXDefault above.
Is there something wrong with the code? It looks like it should do what I want, but the grid shows a blank field