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Hello Community,

I am currently working on a project that involves managing access rights in a system, and I've encountered a specific challenge related to exporting access rights by roles into an Excel spreadsheet using Export Scenarios.

What I aim to achieve is a structured export that outlines the permissions associated with each role, including details such as Module, Screen, Permission, and specific Details. To provide a concrete example, I'd like to export data like:

Role: Purchase Requestor
Module: Purchase
Screen: Request
Permission: Insert
Detail: REMOVE HOLD button Revoke, Hold button allow etc.

I'm currently developed a export scenario for this task, and it is not coming out as I excepted. The last two columns I have created are two comprehendsive. I want detail level but couldn’t figure out what I am missing in my scenario. I have attached my Scenario.

If you've tackled a similar challenge or have insights into managing access rights through export scenarios, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or best practices you could share.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Best regards,
Naing Aung Kyaw

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