
Process Import Scenarios screen not working

  • 14 September 2022
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

We have configured an Import Scenario which works when it is executed from the Import by Scenario screen. 

When we try to process it from the Process Import Scenarios screen it does not work.  Clicking the Process button with either the Prepare option or the Prepare and Import options simply does nothing.  Neither the Status nor the Number of Records changes, even though there should be data to process.

I tried to process a different Import Scenario as a test and that also did not work.

Any idea what could be going on?


9/14/2022 3:57:13 PM Information:
SELECT TOP (13) [Customer_BAccount].[BAccountID] AS [Customer_BAccountID], [Customer_BAccount].[AcctCD] AS [Customer_AcctCD], [Customer_Customer].[CustomerClassID] AS [Customer_CustomerClassID], [Customer_Customer].[TermsID] AS [Customer_TermsID], [Customer_Customer].[CuryID] AS [Customer_CuryID], [Customer_Customer].[CreditLimit] AS [Customer_CreditLimit], [Customer_BAccount].[Status] AS [Customer_Status], [Customer_BAccount].[AcctName] AS [Customer_AcctName], [Customer_BAccount].[NoteID] AS [Customer_NoteID], (SELECT TOP (1) [Note].[NoteText]
FROM [Note] [Note]
WHERE ( [Note].[CompanyID] IN ( 1, 3) AND 32 = SUBSTRING( [Note].[CompanyMask], 1, 1) & 32) AND ( [Note].[CompanyID] IN ( 1, 3) AND 32 = SUBSTRING( [Note].[CompanyMask], 1, 1) & 32) AND [Note].[NoteId] = [Customer_BAccount].[NoteID]) AS [Customer_NoteText], (SELECT TOP (1) COUNT( *)
FROM [NoteDoc] [NoteDoc]
WHERE ( [NoteDoc].[CompanyID] IN ( 1, 3) AND 32 = SUBSTRING( [NoteDoc].[CompanyMask], 1, 1) & 32) AND ( [NoteDoc].[CompanyID] IN ( 1, 3) AND 32 = SUBSTRING( [NoteDoc].[CompanyMask], 1, 1) & 32) AND [NoteDoc].[NoteId] = [Customer_BAccount].[NoteID]) AS [Customer_NoteFiles], [Address].[AddressID] AS [Address_AddressID], [Address].[AddressLine1] AS [Address_AddressLine1], [Address].[AddressLine2] AS [Address_AddressLine2], [Address].[City] AS [Address_City], [Address].[CountryID] AS [Address_CountryID], [Address].[State] AS [Address_State], [Address].[PostalCode] AS [Address_PostalCode], [Address].[NoteID] AS [Address_NoteID], [BAccountR].[BAccountID] AS [BAccountR_BAccountID], [BAccountR].[AcctCD] AS [BAccountR_AcctCD], [BAccountR].[AcctName] AS [BAccountR_AcctName], [BAccountR].[NoteID] AS [BAccountR_NoteID], [Features].[Status] AS [Features_Status], [Contact].[DisplayName] AS [Contact_DisplayName], [Contact].[ContactID] AS [Contact_ContactID], [Contact].[Title] AS [Contact_Title], [Contact].[FirstName] AS [Contact_FirstName], [Contact].[MidName] AS [Contact_MidName], [Contact].[LastName] AS [Contact_LastName], [Contact].[EMail] AS [Contact_EMail], [Contact].[Fax] AS [Contact_Fax], [Contact].[Phone1] AS [Contact_Phone1], [Contact].[NoteID] AS [Contact_NoteID], [Location_Location].[BAccountID] AS [Location_BAccountID], [Location_Location].[LocationID] AS [Location_LocationID], [Location_Location].[LocationCD] AS [Location_LocationCD], [Location_Location].[NoteID] AS [Location_NoteID], [Location_Location].[CTaxZoneID] AS [Location_CTaxZoneID], [Location_Location].[CCarrierID] AS [Location_CCarrierID], [CustSalesPeople].[SalesPersonID] AS [CustSalesPeople_SalesPersonID], [CustSalesPeople].[BAccountID] AS [CustSalesPeople_BAccountID], [CustSalesPeople].[LocationID] AS [CustSalesPeople_LocationID], LTRIM(RTRIM( [Contact].[FirstName])) AS [Contact_Formula4dd32ee9e28246ed956adc7c8e7d8179], LTRIM(RTRIM( [Contact].[LastName])) AS [Contact_Formula0f139bdd50e44831bb84f672dd1200e1]
[Customer] [Customer_Customer]
INNER JOIN [BAccount] [Customer_BAccount] ON ( [Customer_BAccount].[CompanyID] = 3) AND [Customer_BAccount].[DeletedDatabaseRecord] = 0 AND [Customer_Customer].[BAccountID] = [Customer_BAccount].[BAccountID]
INNER JOIN [Address] [Address] ON ( [Address].[CompanyID] = 3) AND ( [Customer_BAccount].[DefAddressID] = [Address].[AddressID])
LEFT JOIN [BAccount] [BAccountR] ON ( [BAccountR].[CompanyID] = 3) AND [BAccountR].[DeletedDatabaseRecord] = 0 AND ( [Customer_BAccount].[ParentBAccountID] = [BAccountR].[BAccountID])
INNER JOIN [FeaturesSet] [Features] ON ( [Features].[CompanyID] = 3)
LEFT JOIN [Contact] [Contact] ON ( [Contact].[CompanyID] = 3) AND [Contact].[DeletedDatabaseRecord] = 0 AND ( [Customer_BAccount].[PrimaryContactID] = [Contact].[ContactID] AND [Customer_BAccount].[BAccountID] = [Contact].[BAccountID])
[Location] [Location_Location]
LEFT JOIN [Location] [Location_LocationAPAccountSub_Location] ON [Location_LocationAPAccountSub_Location].[BAccountID] = [Location_Location].[BAccountID] AND [Location_LocationAPAccountSub_Location].[LocationID] = [Location_Location].[VAPAccountLocationID] AND ( [Location_LocationAPAccountSub_Location].[CompanyID] = 3)
LEFT JOIN [Location] [Location_LocationARAccountSub_Location] ON [Location_LocationARAccountSub_Location].[BAccountID] = [Location_Location].[BAccountID] AND [Location_LocationARAccountSub_Location].[LocationID] = [Location_Location].[CARAccountLocationID] AND ( [Location_LocationARAccountSub_Location].[CompanyID] = 3)
[Location] [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_Location]
INNER JOIN [BAccount] [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_BAccountR] ON ( [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_BAccountR].[CompanyID] = 3) AND [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_BAccountR].[DeletedDatabaseRecord] = 0 AND [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_BAccountR].[BAccountID] = [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_Location].[BAccountID]
) ON [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_Location].[BAccountID] = [Location_Location].[BAccountID] AND [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_Location].[LocationID] = [Location_Location].[VPaymentInfoLocationID] AND ( [Location_LocationAPPaymentInfo_Location].[CompanyID] = 3)
LEFT JOIN [BAccount] [Location_BAccountR] ON ( [Location_BAccountR].[CompanyID] = 3) AND [Location_BAccountR].[DeletedDatabaseRecord] = 0 AND [Location_BAccountR].[BAccountID] = [Location_Location].[BAccountID]
) ON ( [Customer_BAccount].[DefLocationID] = [Location_Location].[LocationID]) AND ( [Location_Location].[CompanyID] = 3)
LEFT JOIN [CustSalesPeople] [CustSalesPeople] ON ( [CustSalesPeople].[CompanyID] = 3) AND ( [Customer_BAccount].[BAccountID] = [CustSalesPeople].[BAccountID])
WHERE ( [CustSalesPeople].[IsDefault] = 'True' OR [CustSalesPeople].[IsDefault] IS NULL ) AND ( [Customer_Customer].[CompanyID] = 3) AND [Customer_Customer].[DeletedDatabaseRecord] = 0

at Serilog.Core.Logger.Write(LogEventLevel level, Exception exception, String messageTemplate, Object[] propertyValues)
at Serilog.Core.Logger.Information[T](String messageTemplate, T propertyValue)
at PX.Data.PXDatabaseProviderBase.GetEnumerable[T](Query query, IEnumerable`1 queryParameters, Func`2 enumerableCtor, Action`1 configurator)
at PX.Data.PXDatabaseProviderBase.Select(Query query, IEnumerable`1 queryParameters, Action`1 configurator)
at PX.Data.PXGenericInqGrph.<>c.b__185_5(Query query, PXDataValue[] parameters)
at PX.Data.PXGenericInqGrph.GetRecords(PXQueryDescription descr, Int32 startRow, Int32 selectTop, CompositeDisposable scope, Func`3 selector)
at PX.Data.PXGenericInqGrph.<>c__DisplayClass185_0.b__4(CompositeDisposable scope)
at PX.Data.EnumerableHelper.d__0`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.d__95`1.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at _CustomMethod(Object , Object[] )
at PX.Data.PXView.InvokeDelegate(Object[] parameters)
at PX.Data.PXView.Select(Object[] currents, Object[] parameters, Object[] searches, String[] sortcolumns, Boolean[] descendings, PXFilterRow[] filters, Int32& startRow, Int32 maximumRows, Int32& totalRows)
at PX.Data.PXProcessingBase`1._SelectRecords(Int32 startRow, Int32 maxRows)
at PX.Data.Maintenance.GI.GIFilteredProcessing._List()
at _CustomMethod(Object , Object[] )
at PX.Data.PXView.InvokeDelegate(Object[] parameters)
at PX.Data.PXView.Select(Object[] currents, Object[] parameters, Object[] searches, String[] sortcolumns, Boolean[] descendings, PXFilterRow[] filters, Int32& startRow, Int32 maximumRows, Int32& totalRows)
at PX.Data.PXGraph.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, Object[] currents, Object[] parameters, Object[] searches, String[] sortcolumns, Boolean[] descendings, PXFilterRow[] filters, Int32& startRow, Int32 maximumRows, Int32& totalRows)
at PX.Data.PXGenericInqGrph.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, Object[] parameters, Object[] searches, String[] sortcolumns, Boolean[] descendings, PXFilterRow[] filters, Int32& startRow, Int32 maximumRows, Int32& totalRows)
at PX.Web.UI.PXBaseDataSource.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, PXDSSelectArguments pxarguments)
at PX.Web.UI.PXDataSource.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, PXDSSelectArguments pxarguments)
at PX.Web.UI.PXGenericDataSource.ExecuteSelect(String viewName, DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, PXDSSelectArguments pxarguments)
at PX.Web.UI.PXDataSourceView.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, PXDSSelectArguments swarguments, DataSourceViewSelectCallback callback)
at PX.Web.UI.PXGrid.PerformSelect()
at PX.Web.UI.PXGrid.GetCallbackResult(PXCallbackCommand cmd)
at PX.Web.UI.PXCallbackManager.RenderControlsData(PXCallbackResultMethod resultMethod, XmlWriter writer)
at PX.Web.UI.PXCallbackManager.GetCallbackResultInternal(PXCallbackResultMethod resultMethod)
at PX.Web.UI.PXCallbackManager.GetCallbackResult(PXCallbackResultMethod resultMethod)
at PX.Web.UI.PXGrid.System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult()
at System.Web.UI.Page.RenderCallback()
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at PX.Web.UI.PXPage.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at ASP.genericinquiry_genericinquiry_aspx.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.<>c__DisplayClass285_0.b__0()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.BeginProcessRequestNotification(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb)
at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context)
at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus)
at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus)
at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)


9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @HelenP ,

We eventually got this working but never did find the underlying cause.  Have you tried an application restart?


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

@HelenP  Have you checked the errors in the Import By Scenario screen for the “Import Department”?


Hi Naveen

Unfortunately mine still will not work.


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

 I have verified this Process Import Scenarios and it is working as expected.

In the above provided screenshot, SAVE button is disabled, after selecting the import scenarios and just click on the PROCESS without saving the SAVE button and it works as expected.


I just ran for the Customers, please find the screenshot for reference.



Hi Laura

Have you had a resolve on this issue? I’m having the same issue and can’t figure out where I may have gone wrong.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

I wasn’t aware of the existence of that screen. It’s actually pretty handy.

Unfortunately I can’t help you however as the few tests that I ran with the screen were all successful.


Userlevel 2


I hope someone else has a solution for you. Our imports appear to no longer be stopping themselves and that looks like it is likely not related to your issue.  My next step would likely be to change the data provider to an excel/csv document just to verify that the issue isn’t related to the Generic Inquiry data not correctly being pulled into the Import. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @astormo12 ,

Thanks for the response!  This import scenario uses a Generic Inquiry as the basis for the Data Provider.  It runs successfully from the Import by Scenario screen.  There are only a few records being processed. 

Userlevel 2

I have never ran an import scenario from the Process Import Screen.  I believe the Process Import Scenario screen is a new screen and did not exist in version 2021 r1. My guess would be that the data isn’t being updated and it believes that it’s fully processed. I have found that the import scenarios that we are attempting to run from the Import by Scenario screen are being erroneously aborted if the screen isn’t watched so you may need to hit process multiple time before it completes. This could be happening where is starts to run and then aborts itself.


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