Using the out of the box Import Scenario for Customers. The customer is displayed but when Import is selected, get the error:

Here is the Import Scenario:

The excel data file:

Using the out of the box Import Scenario for Customers. The customer is displayed but when Import is selected, get the error:
Here is the Import Scenario:
The excel data file:
We will take a look and let you know if something found related to error.
Please refer below article and use the import scenario attached
Could you please help what you are trying to update if customer is present?
Sometimes the ‘canned’ imports can become outdated. They are not perfect ‘out-of-the-box’ -- see the red fields in the customer import that came with my demo system in version 2022 R1 shown below?
Could there be a configuration problem in the canned import scenario? We can’t be sure - only part of the import scenario is shown in your screenshot; and only part of the Excel is shown. You state the Save line is present but we cannot see it.
Therefore others have asked for the XML export, so they can see the entire Import Scenario (with Data Source and Excel attached as Acumatica provides when we export to XML) in order to more easily and accurately help you. To export to XML, click the Clipboard Icon in Import Scenarios and then post the resulting file here on the community.
Please click Tools, Trace after your customer import fails. There, you may find extra messages for us. If you have Trace errors please expand them and post them here. Trace messages help us to quickly and accurately help you.
It may be helpful to know how your Customer ID’s are being numbered - automatically, or manually, in the Numbering Sequence screen and what customers/vendors/employee id’s already exist in Acumatica.
It may be helpful to know your version of Acumatica.
While we believe everything you say… you must pretend we people in support are from Missouri, ‘The SHOW ME State’! We can more easily, quickly, and accurately help you when you provide all of these details. Thank you.
P.S. I already notice changes have been made to your import scenario above -- it’s not exactly like the Customer import that comes with Acumatica and we can’t see all the potential changes. I specifically notice the Commit checkbox has been changed on several lines, and my first recommendation is to change all Commits back to the way Acumatica set them initially. Rule of thumb: 99% of the time, accept the Acumatica default commit setting during imports. There are exceptions but you don’t need to know them yet for import of basic customers.
Hi! Thank you for the extra details.
The Trasce error you’ve provided may be the culprit. The Excel contains one line with currency Null and the second with currency EUR.
I don’t know if the Customer class has a default Currency ID - for the customer who is blank.
I don’t know if currency EUR is available in the testing company. These are the two things you can check & update.
Update the Excel or the Import by Scenario screen to include USD currency on both customers. I know USD currency IS in your test company because I see it on the Vendors screen shot. With currency ID corrected, I think your customers will import successfully.
Good luck!
Thank you for the guidance.
Attempting to load the two companies in the out of the box template:
Customer Numbering Sequences:
There are three customers already manually loaded:
Please find the XML Import Scenario attached.
Hopefully I have reset the Import Scenario back to exactly out of the box. I re-ran the upload and received the same result.
Please find the XML Import Scenario attached.
The errors from Trace:
No employees have been set up.
If I missed something, please let me know.
Thank you for the help.
Thank you!
That line of code was alreay in the Import Scenario.
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