We have a situation where we have 9 warehouses all physically next door to each other, Some warehouses have an upper area. These warehouses store different items types / value in their respective warehouse. As per Acumatica these 9 warehouses all belong to the same building thus making scan and transfer possible. But the only time this is needed is when a sales order has items from different warehouses needs to be sent to the a sort area ready for packing and shipment.
The issue here is that Pickers are assigned to the 9 different warehouses and are not all gathered at one single starting place so the criteria to place path values at each of the particular warehouses Rows, shelves and bins is not possible for the algorithm to do a computation and result in picklist assignment.
It seems to me that this leads me to use “manage picking queue” and assign pickers to the picklist where a sales orders items lie amongst the 9 warehouses. However if i do manually assign a picker to a warehouse to engage in the picking process does the system still rely on a path to instruct the picker to follow in that warehouse where he is assigned to?? Or should we place all pickers in one area as a starting point.
It should also be noted that these 9 buildings are physically arranged in a circular area and of these 9 warehouse there is one warehouse in the center of the other 8 warehouses. Also warehouse 2 is to the left of warehouse 1 and warehouse 8 is to the right of warehouse 1 THUS the distance from a starting point in warehouse 1 to that of an area in warehouse 2 is equal to the distance of starting point in warehouse 1 to an area somewhere in warehouse 8.
Yeah all fun here getting this right!
Advice if possible