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Total Sales of SKU's

  • 24 February 2023
  • 1 reply

We have several kits and each kit has several finished products and is sold as a combo.
I want to add these individual SKU’s in the kit to the total number of sales of that particular SKU.

For Example, A kit with SKU Number 20000 contains 3 finished products 001, 002, 003. If 50k of this kit was sold and 50k of 001 SKU was sold as individual SKU, the total sales of 001 would be 100k. The current system generates reports and GI’s that separate the sales of 20000 and 001 as 50k each.

It there a way to add these for multiple kits?

1 reply

Userlevel 1

In your example, are your kits stock items assembled via the Kit Assembly process from the components 001, 002, and 003, or are they non-stock items that only reflect the components on the shipment pick list? If you’re just looking for gross numbers for the component SKUs issued out, you can use the Inventory Transaction History inquiry to look at the period. If you use stock items you would look up SKU 001 and see Tran. Types of both Invoice and Assembly, the sum of the two being the total outbound. If you use non-stock kits, then looking up SKU 001 should only show Invoice transactions. You wouldn’t have an easy way to tie the components back to the specific kits, although this inquiry does show SO number.

Hope this helps!
