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Does anyone know how to get the Mobile App to allow the picking of inventory from a different location than what is defaulted on the shipment?  It seems you should be able to pick inventory from any location in which the item has quantity on hand, but it does not appear to allow for the scanning of any bin location other than what is specified on the shipment.


The item and location scans during picking are a confirm of what is set in the shipment. You must change the location in the web UI on the shipment prior to picking.

To assist the system in selecting the correct location, you can set the pick priority in the Warehouses screen to make one the primary (lower number) and others the secondary (higher number).

Thank you for the response, however here is the issue.  Lets say you have created a shipment that has 2 lines are to be shipped:

  • Item:ABC - quantity: 5 - Bin: A10-1-1
  • Item: XYZ - quantity 10 - Bin: A12-2-1

When the picker goes to pick the quantity for the shipment there is only a quantity of 9 for Item XYZ in Bin A12-2-1, but the system thinks there are 10 so the shipment is created with 10 from bin location A12-2-1.  In reality there is a discrepancy of a quantity of 1.  The issue is, the picker can’t continue the pick process because the system won’t let them verify they are getting a quantity from a different bin location, which is what they need to do.  Maybe we are just looking at this wrong, but trying to figure out how we get around the instances where there is a variance and the picker needs to pull from a bin other than what the system expected/planned.

Hi @di93 

maybe this topic will help: 

Do you have in your case the missing item in another location? Or is 1 piece missing and you could not fulfill the complete line (= 10)?


Thanks for the information, yes I am aware of the short shipment configuration, but in this situation the missing item is in another location.  In the scenario provided, we have pick locations and overstock locations.  Sometimes the pick locations may have a slight discrepancy, in that situation the picker knows they can go to the overstock location and pull from there. 

It appears the challenge is that Acumatica will not allow a change to the bin location from what it planned.  In a perfect world, this works fine, but as we all know inventory does not live in a perfect world and slight discrepancies happen.

Hi @di93,

The ability to override the location during picking is on the product backlog to be targeted to a future release.  Currently, the location cannot be overridden during picking in handheld.  The proposed workaround from meagan59 could be used, albeit that doesn’t help much once picking has started.  You could have another worker do a one step transfer to replenish that location with inventory so that the picker could do a full pick from that location and not have to short-pick.

Could we include you in our business requirements process for product improvement.  It sounds like you would be able to provide us with valuable input and feedback.

Agree with your comment that inventory does not live in a perfect world.  







@Dana Moffat 

Thank you for the information.  Yes, I would like to be included on the business requirements process for the product improvement.

Hi everyone, 

We would like your feedback on this issue.  Please take a few minutes to complete this 2-question survey on Location override scenarios.

