We have a purchase order with item A , B , and C. We create a prepayment because this vendor requires a 50% down payment. This pre-payment gets allocated evenly between the 3 lines on the Purchase order.

I then proceed to create the purchase receipt for just item B (LINE 2), that is the only thing that shipped. Give it a total of $300,which means I pre-paid the $150 and that is shown as the prepaid amount on the line item, on the purchase order. I create the purchase receipt and then release it to automatically create the Bill. I technically only owe the remaining $150 on this line item, but the bill is created for the full $300 and applies the full prepayment leaving only $25 to be remaining on this bill. Then when the other items are received it, it will look like we owe the full amount. When really, we need to pay the remaining $150 for this item for shipping, not for any other item that hasn’t shipped yet.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Or is there a setting or something I am missing?