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We have a purchase order with item A , B , and C. We create a prepayment because this vendor requires a 50% down payment. This pre-payment gets allocated evenly between the 3 lines on the Purchase order.

I then proceed to create the purchase receipt for just item B (LINE 2), that is the only thing that shipped. Give it a total of $300,which means I pre-paid the $150 and that is shown as the prepaid amount on the line item, on the purchase order. I create the purchase receipt and then release it to automatically create the Bill. I technically only owe the remaining $150 on this line item, but the bill is created for the full $300 and applies the full prepayment leaving only $25 to be remaining on this bill. Then when the other items are received it, it will look like we owe the full amount. When really, we need to pay the remaining $150 for this item for shipping, not for any other item that hasn’t shipped yet.

Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Or is there a setting or something I am missing?

@moniquelarcheveque8 We still have this same issue with no real resolution. We aren’t able to use the workaround because it is too much math and prone to user error. I think my post got “Solved” when someone marked Laura02’s answer as best answer. I completely agree that there is room to improve the prepayment process in the future.


We have the same issue with one of our customer.  Having the full amount of the prepayment applied automatically instead of the amount calculated for the line is causing problems.  Often, the PO is not received in one receiving and has more than one bills attached to it.  Having to calculate the correct amount of the prepayment to apply is prone to errors and takes time. 

You close your post as ‘solved’ but I see an opportunity for a product idea to improve the prepayment process.  I would surely vote for it if you create the topic. 


Thank you so much for the workaround. This will definitely work for us for the time being. The hardest part of this solution is the calculation of the remaining total. If the deposit is 50% and we receive in all the items of that SKU, it’s easy to calculate the remaining and update the applied amount. But, it could become more difficult if the deposit is an odd number or we receive in only 2/3 of the item, etc.. It will require us to go back into the purchase order, see how much was prepaid on the line and then do the math of how many we received and how much we already paid. It can become a bit tedious.


Again, thank you for the help on this! 

Hello @courtneyb ,

I recommend Adjusting the Amount Paid on the Applications tab of Bills & Adjustments prior to releasing the Bill.

For example, if the Prepayment on the vendor’s account is meant to pay half of each line, and one line for $225 has been received, when creating the AP Bill and connecting it to the receipt, adjust the Amount Paid where shown, applying the prepayment on the Applications tab,  to equal HALF of the $225 received and then release your Bill.

Adjust amount of Prepayment application before release

In the above example

  1. I entered a PO with 3 lines totaling $3635
  2. A Prepayment Request that paid 50% of each line, totaling $1807.50 (shown below)
  3. A receipt for only the items on the first line of the PO, $225.
  4. A bill that pulled in the Receipt from line 3. (shown above)



50% Prepayment

