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We are integrating with the Acumatica SAAS product via the REST API by means of lambda functions. This is working fine in general. However, we find that after a period of inactivity, the response to an API request takes much longer than usual. The lambda function is configured with an execution time of 15 seconds, and it often stops executing before the response is received. An Acumatica support rep once mentioned that this could be due to "cache expiration", but we can't find any documentation about this. Is it possible to configure the cache expiration time, or something similar that would help us solve this problem?

Thank you,


Hi @dhollinden 

Can you please share the code?

Hi @dhollinden  I don’t think we have setting of Cache Expiration time in Acumatica but we have configurations related to the session in Web.Config file.


Hello @Naveen B ,

I believe you are correct in that there is no setting for Cache Expiration time. And further, Acumatica support says that the caches are optimized for performance and therefore advised us against any changes due to unintended side effects that would occur. 

In an unrelated live support session with an Acumatica representative, we explained this problem and the rep stated that he was familiar with the situation that we described. After a certain period of time (he didn’t state the period specifically), the cache will rebuild itself, which can lead to a delayed response like what we are experiencing. His advice was to create a mechanism that would periodically run a search via the API, thereby keeping the cache “fresh”. We started doing this by submitting a GET request for the first five accounts that start with the letter “T” every fifteen minutes. This seemed to largely address our problem. As time permits, we’ll experiment with submitting the request every 30” or 60’ to find the sweet spot. 

Thank you for your response. 

