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We have encountered an issue with the Project API in 2021R1.

The validation is on the size of the "Account Email" field in the Project API Model (presumably the email address of the Customer related to the Project). There seems to be some new validation on the length of the field.

Does anyone know the size limit for the field?

@dmulvey  Understood. This is customization impact. 

We need to make sure that increase the length all other places like PMContact, SOContact,POContact and etc, if you are using Customer Email. 


HI @dmulvey  Email size field will be 255 characters in 2021 R1.

Are you proving more than 255 characters?


Hi, the root cause here was a customization which extended the Customer Contact email to 1024 chars and in 2021R1 tries to put that into a field on PMContact which was only 255 long.

Yes we are looking into that now.

The interesting thing is that before our upgrade to 2021R1, the system actually truncated the data it was putting into PMContact but this functionality now appears to be gone hence it has started failing in cases where the Contact email is more than 255 characters. This is just a small number of customers currently but it could increase over time of course.

Hi @dmulvey Is this upgrade done by yourself?

if yes, have you unpublished the packages when you are upgrading?
