I’m trying to add a new DAC to the global search. The dac is part of an an ISV product.
I have customized the DAC with the following code, which seems to partially work, but it’s not displaying properly in the search results.
After I run the rebuild Full Text process for this entity, I can see the data appears to look correct in the SearchIndex table, but it shows blank data in the Acumatica search results. (screenshots below)
Any Ideas? Am I missing something?
public class IGMP_DAC_IGMPINDispatch_ExistingColumn : PXCacheExtension<IGMPINDispatch>
#region NoteID
PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Replace)]
DescriptionField = typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderNbr),
Selector = typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderNbr),
ShowInReferenceSelector = true,
BqlField = typeof(IGMPINDispatch.noteID)
PXSearchable(PX.Objects.SM.SearchCategory.All, "WO {0}: {1} - {2}", new Typen] {typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderType), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderNbr), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.dispatchNbr)},
new Typen] {typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderType), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderNbr), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.dispatchNbr), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.dispatchDescr)},
//NumberFields = new Typen] { typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderNbr), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.dispatchNbr)},
Line1Format = "{0}{1}-{2}", Line1Fields = new Typen] {typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderType), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.workOrderNbr), typeof(IGMPINDispatch.dispatchNbr)},
Line2Format = "{0}", Line2Fields = new Typen] {typeof(IGMPINDispatch.dispatchDescr)}
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }