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Hi everyone,

how i can programmatically save lead attributes? I see that they are shown in “Attribute” view within the LeadMaint graph, but they are not connected with the Lead !? i can create programmatically my CSAnswer object and add AttributeID and its Value but they are not shown….

I have the same problem with saving the attachments from my API into Lead File….

For this case i have made a following code snipped...but when its started i am getting the exception… (when filegrap.SaveFile(fileInfo) is called)…. It is little bit hard for me to understand…..

                        foreach (var attachment in extParticipant.Attachments)
                            PX.SM.FileInfo fileinfo;
                            using (var client = new SnapAddyClient(snapAddyConfig))
                                var stream = client.GetAttachment(attachment.Url);
                                if (stream == null)
                                var data = ReadFully(stream);
                                fileinfo = new PX.SM.FileInfo(attachment.FileId, null, data);

                            if (filegraph.SaveFile(fileinfo))
                                if (fileinfo.UID.HasValue)
                                    //To Attach file
                                    PXNoteAttribute.SetFileNotes(leadGraph.LeadCurrent.Cache, lead, fileinfo.UID.Value);

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