
How to create new controls on form dinamicaly?

  • 28 March 2024
  • 1 reply

How to create new controls on form dinamicaly? I have a custom screen in which columns are automatically generated in the grid when I select the desired GI in the "Inquiry title" selector. I take them from the GI screen and everything works fine. Now I want to take the parameters from this tab and the parameters on the GI screen and dynamically make these selectors from the code, which would be identical when you click view unquiry on the SM208000 page. How to do it from the code? Because the parameters can change depending on the selected GI. Take a look at the attached files

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Hi @VladyslavPoberezhets 

If I understood your request, you want to change the behavior of the selector dynamically. Is that assertion correct?  This post (Custom Selectors) can give you clues how to implement it. Also you can take a look at (Brian Stevens post) and always Yuriy (dynamic-selectors post)


Other idea that might work is having a full selector query without considering the parameters and then adding restrictors dynamically according to your current context.

Hope this points you to the right path...


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