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Good day.

I am trying to set a custom field in my header to true if my purchase order detail line contains a blanket PO Nr.
I have created the custom field, and am currently trying to change the field in the row updated event.
I am currently getting a An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'POLine.PONbr'An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'POLine.PONbr' error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please see my code attached here

        #region UsrContainsBlanketPONo
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Contains Blanket No")]

public virtual bool? UsrContainsBlanketPONo { get; set; }
public abstract class usrContainsBlanketPONo : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<usrContainsBlanketPONo> { }
 protected void POLine_RowUpdated(PXCache cache, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)

var row = (POLine)e.Row;

foreach (POLine line in Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast<POLine>().Where(POLine.PONbr != null))
POOrderExt extdata = cache.GetExtension<POOrder>(line);
extdata.UsrContainsBlanketPONo = true;



@charlbester34 , this particular error is caused by the incorrect syntax of the Where method. It requires a lambda expression and non-static object reference (see, such as:

foreach (POLine line in Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast<POLine>().Where(line => ((POLine)line).PONbr != null))

but there are other issues with this code:

  1. On the following line, the GetExtension method is applied to incorrect cache reference (lines cache). Should be POOrder cache:
    POOrderExt extdata = Base.Document.Cache.GetExtension<POOrderExt >(Base.Document.Current);
  2. Also, there should be the logic setting this field to false when there are no more lines with PONbr  field filled (POLine_RowDeleted)
  3. foreach cycle seems redundant here, since you can use the .any method to check presence ot lines satisfying the condition. Coupled with (2), it suggests the following code:

    extdata.UsrContainsBlanketPONo = Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast<POLine>().Any(line => ((POLine)line).PONbr != null);
  4. since the PONbr  field is filled on line creation and cannot be edited for existing line, the appropriate place for this logic seems to be the POLine_RowInserted

Given all this, I would implemented the requested check on the BLC level as follows:

public class POOrderEntryCommCust147Ext : PXGraphExtension<POOrderEntry>

        private void RecalcUsrContainsBlanketPONo()
            POOrderCommCust147Ext extdata = Base.Document.Cache.GetExtension<POOrderCommCust147Ext>(Base.Document.Current);
            extdata.UsrContainsBlanketPONo = Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast<POLine>().Any(line => ((POLine) line).PONbr != null);

        public virtual void POLine_RowInserted(PXCache cache, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e, PXRowInserted baseMethod)

            baseMethod(cache, e);
            //foreach (POLine line in Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast<POLine>().Where(line => line.PONbr != null))
            if (Base.Document.Current.OrderType == POOrderType.RegularOrder)

        public virtual void POLine_RowDeleted(PXCache cache, PXRowDeletedEventArgs e, PXRowDeleted baseMethod)

            baseMethod(cache, e);
            //foreach (POLine line in Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast<POLine>().Where(line => line.PONbr != null))
            if (Base.Document.Current.OrderType == POOrderType.RegularOrder)

