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I want to add info to the bottom of the Sales Order - Details grid based on the selected row’s inventory ID. Need to be able to display the last sale price and discount fields for the order’s customer and the line’s item. Is this possible? I drew in where I would like for the info to go.. Thanks in advance



Hi @ryanmoon32  Yes, it is possible with small customization. 

Please find the sample code below.


public virtual void SOLine_Availability_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e, PXFieldSelecting invokeBaseHandler)
invokeBaseHandler(sender, e);

// add logic to bring the Sales Price

//var lastSalesPriceValue = GetLastSalesPrice();

e.ReturnValue = "Last Sales Price" + lastSalesPriceValue;



Yes this is exactly what I was looking for thank you very much @Naveen B 

And inside of the GetLastSalesPrice method, is there a way to do a direct SQL call or am I forced to do a PXSelect type command?

Hi @ryanmoon32  Yes, it is possible with small customization. 

Please find the sample code below.


public virtual void SOLine_Availability_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e, PXFieldSelecting invokeBaseHandler)
invokeBaseHandler(sender, e);

// add logic to bring the Sales Price

//var lastSalesPriceValue = GetLastSalesPrice();

e.ReturnValue = "Last Sales Price" + lastSalesPriceValue;



@Naveen Boga i have similar ideas, can you share more about how to make it happen, how do i use the code.


Thank you 

@jay13  Can you please explain what is the requirement?

If it is the same as above, you can extend the SOOrderEntry Graph, and add the above so that information will be displayed on the Grid Footer.


@jay13  Can you please explain what is the requirement?

If it is the same as above, you can extend the SOOrderEntry Graph, and add the above so that information will be displayed on the Grid Footer.


@Naveen Boga sorry i am quite new to customization, do you here ? (ingore the project name)


