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Does anyone have an efficient way to grant a user view only access to the entire database?

Thinking of an external auditor or a C-Level client, who wants to be able to poke around, but should not be able to create/modify/delete anything.

Outside of creating a role and then clicking on every single form and saying view only.

Hoping someone has come up with something more efficient!

Thank you!

Hi @shores6 

On what version are you on? On new 2021r1 and r2, you can find pre-defined user roles with ‘view only’ access for various modules. 




Hi @shores6 There is no out-of-box roles that will provide View Only for the screens. It is suggested to List the Screens, and Create a new ROLE like AUDITORS with View Only Access to those screens.


Hi @vkumar Yes, these are in-built roles that can be used..Thanks for bringing them here.


@shores6 , So you can assign the required View Only Roles for the modules, to the new Auditors role to get the View Only Access.

Hi @shores6 There is no out-of-box roles that will provide View Only for the screens. It is suggested to List the Screens, and Create a new ROLE like AUDITORS with View Only Access to those screens.


The above workaround can be used instead of having a new one role for all modules.
