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When creating users in Acumatica the Generate Password is set to True by Default. If email is setup, the user will get an email saying Welcome to Acumatica. It will include the Username and under that it says “Contact your system administrator for the password.” 

Where am I, as the System Administrator, supposed to get the generated password from? I usually always generate it myself for this reason.

@nhorvathNAW  We customized the User Welcome Notification to include the temporary password that Acumatica generates when you create the new user profile.  Here is the user and password information/code that is in our template. 


Username: ((UserList.Username)) 

Password:  ((UserList.Password))


You do take the risk of putting the 2 pieces of user information in the same email.  I believe if you don’t want to send the password in the same email as the Welcome Notification, you could set up a secondary email notification to push out at the same time that the user name email is pushed out. 

Hi @nhorvathNAW 

I agree, you do bring up a good point. 

Maybe someone else has a tip to this since on Saas you can’t. 

Hi @kandybeatty49, thanks for this. I did stumble across this same blog post myself. This is not really possible when it is a SaaS customer though.


Does my initial post not bring up a good point though? For example, I have administered Gmail and Office 365. When you create a system generated password, it gives you the password AND emails it to the user. In this case Acumatica just “generates a password” but that function is useless because no one knows the generated password. There has to be more to this...

Hi @nhorvathNAW 

Here is an older article that shows how to pull passwords from the database:


I don’t know of anywhere in the system that you can directly see passwords. 
