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It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".

Connect, Learn, Share


Community Resource Library

This is a consolidation of Acumatica Community generated resources. These include community webinars, mentoring sessions, Tips and Tricks, Blogs, etc. 


Tell us how we're doing! Acumatica Community Feedback Survey - 2023

We would really appreciate you taking a couple minutes and letting us know how we’re doing. Your feedback is vital to us making sure we supply the best community experience possible.

Acumatica Community Feedback Survey - 2023

Thank you in advance!



Hot Tips, Known Issues and Blogs

Why Upgrade Your Acumatica Version?

Customer Order Nbr. Validation: Forbid Duplicates and Allow Duplicates Info

Known issue: After an upgrade to Acumatica ERP 2023 R1, if the dd/MM/yyyy short date format was used, no data was displayed on the Customer Statement (AR641500) report if it was prepared for a day of month that was earlier than the 13th

Known issue: After an update or upgrade to Acumatica ERP 2022 R2 or later, the project templates restored from a snapshot were stuck with an empty status on the Project Templates (PM208000) form

How to add tax amount to the Pro Forma Invoice printed form


Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!

@Anna Devyatko  @jessica.pidgeon  @Laura02 
@kandybeatty49  @iqraharrison48  @bfrancis68 
@aaghaei  @raphrf  @zfebert56 
@sweta68  @estebanperalta54  @joelhoffman 
@meganfriesen37  @praveenpo  @Novstat 
@chidao  @manikantad18  @Naveen Boga 
@lburrow62  @vibindas  @ericwolfe74 
@RohitBhandurge  @rosenjon  @Heidi Dempsey 
@Yuri Karpenko  @mattkohls  @Dana Moffat 
@KristenHanson84  @ericberube  @davidnavasardyan09 
@dcomerford  @juneterris87  @FelixMilgotin58 
@andriikravetskyi35  @ygagnaire12  @Doug Johnson 
@Leonardo Justiniano  @sangland  @jinin 
@AmaanFazeer11  @deaster93  @GJensen 
@Arran  @Irina  @Debbie Baldwin 
@MSolberg  @rwhetsell77  @Jeff96 
@willie98  @astormo12  @danielklumpp 
@rcreasy  @david.harris  @lauraj46 
@AdelinaBasyrova75  @riglesias  @Anacarina Calvo 
@Vinay Koppula  @SheriThomas49  @variuxdavid 
@brianflaten  @DBowers  @twagner 
@Michael Hansen  @AndrewBGL  @Aliya 
@StaceyReitz23  @olgakonanykhina22  @gracebantique46 
@dukepastor94  @rizzdelengalgado97  @Leonardo Justiniano 
@francoisroux96  @gpineda64  @mganji 
@SoniaEchols90  @Omar Ghazi  @JimWare22 
@KarthikGajendran  @darylbowman  @tylerharrison62 
@jsieber  @Andy Smith  @sdas09 
@ashleyb  @Sai Chettiar  @Mondeddula Madhu Venkat Reddy
@angierowley75  @YasasWithanage76  @dlevoniuk 
@hotdok  @dgodsill97  @ivankolesnyk58 


Think you have a potential answer, Jump In!

Help a Fellow Community Member Out!

Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone:sunglasses: !


Unable to Submit Financial Report using Screen-Based SOAP API


Quick Process OK button Auto Run in custimazation

How to format number use a dot not comma as a thousand separator in report designer?

Unable to Sort Groups in Report Designer (PM644000 AIA Style)

External File Storage on NAS

Who out there is in the "Equipment Rental" industry?

Change digit grouping symbol format on Report Designer

How can I set a grid to generate 200 records at a time, and still allow paging through additional records?

Prepare & Process Stock Items

Make a User Defined Field Required for a Branch

Questionnaire Designer

Bank Feed Integration with US Bank SinglePoint

How to import appointment logs?

Pivot table not showing the text values for "Inventory ID" or "Transaction Description".

how to identify Report is from Customization Projects or save to server?

Create Service Order from Sales Order

Open Blanket PO Quantity on Inventory Summary

Use different email templates for notification of different companies(branches)

Adding Workspace to Mobile App

How to Filter Bar Chart Widget Show by Week Count

Payments Stuck "On Hold" status after Preparing Payments

Import Scenario - Cash Accounts - Remittance Settings

Filter Purchase Order Receipt and Billing report


Thank you all for your efforts! 

@Chris Hackett

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