It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".
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Acumatica Reports -Consistent Formatting for Beginners
Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!
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Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone !
Use Tax - purchase in different jurisdiction than where the Construction Project is
How to VisibleExpr hide group row values don't calculate in subtotal and grandtotal?
Reg: Business Event loading File from File Tab
Manufacturers warranty reimbursement
Creating Extension Libraries with separate computer systems-T200
Using multiple sendgrid senders for business events
Best practice for refunding a prepaid sales order
Acumatica integration with send grid Query
Ability to access the "Related Items" pop-up when entering an order on the Mobile App
Points reward screen customization or add on?
Duplicate Records upon including the ProjectTaskID field in the Project - Balances Tab
Net deposit with rental commission paid
Customer Groups Beyond Customization - Can't get UI to Update Accordingly
Calculating OT on Biweekly PR with 1-8hr wk and 1-10hr week
UploadFileMaintenance GetFile always returns null
Acumatica Report Designer - Conditional Background/Watermark
Creating a Generic Inquiry to Show Back Order Items
Subreport works for type INV but not CRM
ARM row percentages are wrong when column set rounds to Thousands
Including Sales Order attachment when sending Email via Business Event Notification
Can we customize this Message in Pick Pack and Ship Screen
Error finding Location in system
BUG? - Change Attributes is not working in 2022 R2 (build 22.215.0056)
How to Show Stock Items "Requiring Scheduling" - All Items Have Arrived
How to repay an over-deducted pre-tax deduction.
How to run sequential import scenarios
Dashboard Issue - Error: Object is not valid JSON
Error with DAC and View customization
Is there a way to update parameter of data provider from import/export methods?
Automate Generate Calendar under Company Financial Calendar
How to Display Project ID in "Check and Payments - AP302000" screen Acumatica
Reg : PXSelector with same Code
Thank you all for your efforts!