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We have a customer that builds large assemblies.  The welding of these assemblies spans several days.  Since the Bill of Material/Production Order Details only allow up to 23:59 for Run Time, we are entering fractional Run Units to plan hours >= 24:00 per operation. 

For example, if the planned hours are 250 hrs for a weld operation, we would enter 0.04 Run Units at 10:00 Run Time.

However, there are some cases however where we cannot plan the hours accurately due to run units only being 2 decimal precision.  Has anyone else run into this and have another solution?




Have you considered changing the operation time format on BOM Preferences (AM100000) to a different formant? 


That is exactly what we needed @andrestamour43.  Thank you!


Did you make this change and how is it working for you? 

I was playing with this setting and have noted that the value you put in for “days” may not coorolate directly to calendar or business days when using inventory planning (MRP) depending on how your work center calendars are setup.   

For example our work center calendar is setup for 8 hours / day, 5 days per week.  If we then put a routing step on a BOM with a time of 1 Day 00h 00m MRP will backup the the action start date by 3 days instead of just 1 day.    So essentially MRP takes the number of days on the routing, multiples them by 24(hours) and then divides it by the number of hours/work day from the work center calendar to arrive at 3 business days that it needs to account for on the action date.    

For us this is a bit confusing as in our mind one would expect 1 day on the operation to be one business day, not 3 business days…   
