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Hi, Is there a way to give rights to a user to just add/edit vendor item ID in the Stock items screen and save but not allow them to add/edit anything else on the stock items screen?


Yes, you can select a role in Access Rights by Role, and then expand Inventory module, expand Stock/Non-stock  Items screen, and update the access rights of the vendor tab. If you are not familiar with the details of roles & inherited rights, you will want to practice this change in a test and then log in as the user, to make sure  you achieved the desired result. Then roll the change out in your production environment. Good luck!


HI @marisa10 

You can do that with the Access Rights by Screen. 

I would give a specific role to those users and then give them rights only to the Cross-Reference tab. 


Hi @kbeatty21 and @laura01,

Thanks. I tried giving delete rights to cross reference, vendor, and inventory item vendor detail (which is the tab I really want). also note for this role, stock item is set to view access.


when i go to modify the vendor item, it doesn't allow me to. also note there isnt a save button. 


i changed the access rights to the Stock items to edit and I was able to modify the vendor item ID and save HOWEVER i was also able to edit the actually Stock item, which this users shouldnt be able to do.

Access rights can be tricky. My suggestion is to read the help, watch youtube videos, keep trying in your test until it works and then repeat the changes in your production environment.

Hi @laura01,

Thanks. I think I figured it out. What a pain.

@marisa10 ,

Well done Marisa!  (I knew you could do it!)


@mna10 - Hi, how did you figure it out? 
