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We have several projects in different states, other than our own that our technicians are working. How do we process a paycheck to withhold from the state they are performing the work for those hours, in addition to the hours working at our home base.

If an employee lives in Texas, but is working in Arkansas for a week, will the project allow for his time to be charged to the state where the withholding will need to occur (Arkansas)?

I believe that the Payroll Work Location on the Summary tab of the project will do this.  However each project can have only one Work Location associated with it, and the Work Locations need to be defined in PR/Preferences/Work Locations. Hope this helps/works!


In addition to creating the Work Location with the Project Address and assigning it to the Project, the Work Location must also be assigned to the Employee Payroll Settings - Work Location grid (not as their default work location).  Also be sure to “Import Taxes” for that employee after adding the new Work Location so the taxes will be available.

When the project’s work location is setup on the project and the employee payroll settings and an employee creates a time activity/card with that project, the work location from the project is then shown on that time entry.

We are starting to look at using the Canadian Payroll module for one of our customers and they have the following scenario and I’m wondering what the solution is:

They have projects that is going to run for a few months.  There are employees at the head office in province A that are going to be doing planning and scheduling work on the project and the hours and costs posted to the project.  But the project work site is actually located in Province B.  So the office staff need to have the correct taxes applied for Province A where they work and the employees that are physically working on the project need to have the taxes from Province B applied.  The employees at the project work site could be from province A, B or C.  Is there a way to apply payroll work locations to specific tasks on the projects?
