
Ovveride Create Shipment logic

  • 19 February 2024
  • 7 replies


Hello. I have one question. How to better make next logic

When pressing Create Shipment on Sales Order screen i want to create for each package 
row in right grid with quantiry that this package have


7 replies

Badge +12

Is the ‘Estimated Content’ area a customization? I’ve not seen that before.


Yes. It is my custom grid

Badge +12

And what are you trying to accomplish? Have you tried anything so far?


Yes. For now i have this

public delegate void CreateShipmentDelegate(CreateShipmentArgs args);
        public virtual void CreateShipment(CreateShipmentArgs args, CreateShipmentDelegate baseMethod)

            var packages = Base.Packages.Select().FirstTableItems;

            foreach (var package in packages)
                var salesOrder = (SOOrder)PXSelectJoin<SOOrder,
                            InnerJoin<SOLine, On<SOOrder.orderType, Equal<SOLine.orderType>,
                                                And<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<SOLine.orderNbr>>>>,
                            Where<SOLine.lineNbr, Equal<Required<SOLine.lineNbr>>>>
                            .Select(Base, package.LineNbr);

                if (salesOrder != null)


                /*SelectedPackageContents selectedPackageContents = new SelectedPackageContents
                    ShipmentLineNbr = package.LineNbr,
                    ShipmentNbr = package.ShipmentNbr,
                    PackedQty = package.Qty,


When shipment creating i want to make something like this

But in upper grid i can not take Qty of items in package and also there is no InventoryID in package. The main problem not to take Qty for package

Badge +12

My understanding is that the Packages tab is basically a list of boxes. The best suggestion I can give you is to somehow pull the items from the Details tab instead and use it to populate your grid.

@Kandy Beatty or @Laura02 could give you more functional shipping advice.


 @Kandy Beatty @Laura02 

I am trying to take quantity that package have and item that package have on shipment screen packages tab
But if i do in this way 

        public virtual void CreateShipment(CreateShipmentArgs args, CreateShipmentDelegate baseMethod)

            var packages = Base.Packages.Select().FirstTableItems;

            foreach (var package in packages)
                var test = package.InventoryID;
                var test1 = package.Qty;


inventoryID is null and Qty is 0.0. As i understood CreteShipment have this logic when it's calculating weight for package based on qty and item. How can i get this values? I goes throught CreateShipment method and have not found anything that could help me with that problem

Userlevel 7

Hi @VadymBoichenko96 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!


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