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"View name :BAccount" error while deleting the customers by using import scenario.

Hi, i am trying to delete the customers by using import scenario. Screenshots are attached of the error and import scenario mapping. Can somebody help me with this? thanks

Hi @alis21 

Please share the Import scenario for review.


Please find the Import scenario to delete customer 


@manikantad18 , i attached the import scenario for review.

Hi @alis21 have you reviewed the import scenario in meantime

Hi @alis21 

Import scenario reviewed and it is fine,


I am able to delete the customer


can you confirm the Customer ID is correct or not?C5234

Any leading zero is Missing?

@manikantad18 , i reviewed the import scenario mapping which you shared and i also tried again but i am getting the same error again.

please find the screen shot of my import scenario which i tried again.

@manikantad18 , all customer ids are correct, i also attached the source file as well.

Hi @alis21 

I dont see any issue with the Import scenario,

Are you able to delete from the UI.

Take the fisrt customer and share the feedback,


Take a screenshot before deleting and check if it is deleted or not.


@manikantad18 , i noticed that some of the customers in the source file are not present in the system.

i tried to delete the following customer but it gave me the following error. 

please find the attached screenshot.

Hello @alis21 ,

We can only delete with import, what we can delete manually. Customers with history, transactions, documents cannot be deleted.

Hi @alis21 if the customer has transaction document associated then we cannot delete it.

you can make it as inactive if not needed.

thankyou guys for your help, it is clear now. 
