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Currently, you can change a PO date to a date that is in the past. Is there a way to prevent this or force an approval event to keep this in check? 


Here are some ideas:

  1. Make the PO Date a read-only field for some user Roles.
  2. Add an Approval Map to Purchase Orders. Part of the criteria could be based on Order Create date vs. Order date.
  3. Create a GI that displays PO Date and Created Date and calculates the Date Difference. Use the GI as a basis for a business event that notifies a manager when Date Difference is negative (when PO date is older than created date).



This was interesting: Add an Approval Map to Purchase Orders. Part of the criteria could be based on Order Create date vs. Order date. The problem is I do not see where I can compare elements. ie Date only lets me set a “date” not compare it to a date field. 


Hello @cmoreland ,

You are correct.  The error is mine.  Wishful thinking on my part? Perhaps.  I checked the Idea section of Acumatica community and ability to compare dates is suggested in this idea - please vote:

Choices just narrowed to 2.




