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Hey everyone, 

I’m having a difficult time with this one. I broke my brain over it over the holiday weekend. I had this working at some point at the beginning of the project last week and I must have accidentally unclicked something and I can’t figure out what. 

I’m bringing in Payments for Sales Orders, so I have an import scenario to add a prepayment and then load the sales order. I keep getting this “Missing operator before the Order operand.” issue. 

Any tips from anyone out there? I’m stumped. 

@manikantad18 I got this figured out. The error “Missing operator before the Order operand” error was related to missing a single quote for a formula. Hopefully this helps someone in the future. See below for the example:

With Error: ='Manual Payment Import - KAI' + ' ' + Shopify Order+ ' ' + 'Name]

Fixed:        ='Manual Payment Import - KAI' + ' ' + 'Shopify Order'+ ' ' + sName]

Hi @gusl 

Please share the XML report of Import scenario for quick review.


Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @gusl!
