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Hi all! I’m new to Acumatica; we just converted on 12/1 from Quickbooks.  How can I show an invoice marked as paid for my customers?  They ask for a paid invoice all the time for their records.  We sell high end products that many people need this for insurance purposes. 

Sometimes a customer will make a partial payment.  Example, a customer has an invoice for $100,000 worth of goods for which he paid $80,000.  I need the invoice to show:


Total:  $100,000

Amount Paid: $80,000

Balance Due: $20,000


Or if it’s paid in full, it would be marked as such and balance due would be zero.  How can I do this?

Hi @TracyVogt This will be a report designer customization to get the below details to the bottom of the Invoice.


Screenshot for reference:


Hi @TracyVogt There are 2 invoices reports that can be printed in Acumatica - one from “Invoices” Screen (report SO643000) flows from Sales Order) and another from “Invoice and Memos” screen (report AR641000).

Let me know which one you are sending to the customer.





@ChandrasekharM I’m new to this; I tend to use the sales order - invoices which I guess is report SO643000.  But I can use the other if it’s easier.  I’m not understanding the difference though; I would think an invoice is an invoice no matter the method of how you get to it?

Hi @TracyVogt In that case the best way is to Customize the report / print from the Invoices and Memo screen(report AR641000). So that, you can print the invoice that is even entered directly in the Receivables module from the “Invoice and Memo” screen.

Hi @TracyVogt Here is the difference.

I’m not understanding the difference though; I would think an invoice is an invoice no matter the method of how you get to it?

Acumatica has Invoices Screen for invoices flowing from the Sales Orders. Apart from that, the Invoice and Memo in Receivables allows an AR person to directly create non-sales order invoices/memos.


Hi @TracyVogt What is the Acumatica Version you are in? The report change requires deploying (publishing) the change to your instance. Did you contact your Acumatica Partner (VAR )for this change. I can actually make the change and provide to you after receiving the Acumatica version, if it is fine.


@ChandrasekharM Thank you so much for helping me; it’s very much appreciated.  I think this is our version.  Our VAR didn’t have an answer for this.



Hi @TracyVogt Please clarify the following questions.

  1. Is this the first version of Acumatica you are using?
  2. Is there any customizations to your Invoice and Memos report now?

Hi @TracyVogt 

As @ChandrasekharM indicated on one of his previous message, one need to customize the Invoice report to print the Payment detail, as its not included in out of the box report. 

I have made small changes on AR invoices and memo report (AR641000) to include the ‘Payment total’ and ‘Unpaid balance’ for an invoice. The columns are available on ARInvoice table/DAC

Here is partially paid invoice 

Report output


I am attaching the report .rpx file for reference. (zip the file as .rpx attachments are not allowed here)


@vkumar Thank you so much!!  I just forwarded this to my team; this is exactly what I needed!! 

When I try to add it to mine, I don’t see the eARInvoice.PaymentTotal] or ARInvoice.UnpaidBalance] even as options. How did you get those as available options?


@bzelinski I had the same issue.


I tried manual typing the value:




When validating, it will say that the expression contains an invalid name. But, if you preview the results you will see that it does pull the correct values.


I hope that helps.

@ChandraM Hey there! Trying to pull in the payment method and extrefnbr from the ARPayment. Very close, but pretty sure I don’t have the relationship correct. I did a left join ARInvoice > ARPayment and linked doctype and refnbr.

Show me the error of my ways…..😃

 Hi @rwhetsell77 Are you looking to have the Invoice details with the Payment details? Please confirm.




 Hi @rwhetsell77 Are you looking to have the Invoice details with the Payment details? Please confirm.




Yes, working on the AR Invoice (ar641000) and want to show, if payment was made, the payment method and the extrefnbr on the payment.

Hi @rwhetsell77 Thanks for the confirmation. Will try to join verify and send the details to you.

Hi @rwhetsell77 Just an update. In order to associate the Invoice with the associated payment, the join should first be on ARInvoice and ARAdjust. Will keep you posted.

Hi @rwhetsell77 Please find the attached Invoice and Memos report file with the joins, for your convenience and review,

Note: The file is inside the zipped folder due to the limitation to upload .rpx file here.

Screenshots for reference:


Result of the report showing the ExtRefnbr:


Hi @rwhetsell77 Please find the screenshots of the Build Schema for quick reference here:


  1. Shows the Join between ARInvoice and ARAdjust


  1. Shows the Joines between ARAdjust and ARPayment


@ChandraM this is great and something we’ve wanted to add to our AR invoices for a few months.

However, if there are multiple payments on an invoice, it will duplicate the printed ARTran line items in the detail section.

I believe, the potential one to many relationship can be resolved by using a subreport instead of adding the fields directly into the AR invoice doc, but I have not tested this out yet.

I did this with shipment tracking numbers and it worked, but it’s been a long time since I did this and I have limited experience using a subreport.

Hi @rwhetsell77 The sub report option can be used to show the payments that are associated with an Invoice. Let me know if you need any help with the sub reports.


@ChandraM I have spent some time trying to use a subreport to list payments that are associated with an invoice and am having some trouble.

I tried to keep the subreport simple, by only adding the table ARPayment.

Here are some samples of subreport configuration and subreport external parameters on AR641000

Sub Report
Subreport Parameters
Subreport Filters
Subreport Collection AR641000
Subreport Collection AR641000
Subreport Not Finding Associated Payments

Not sure what I am missing and I’ve only worked on a couple subreports in the past. Any help is appreciated, we often have invoices with multiple payment applications so we have to go the subreport route.

I have a feeling, that it has something to do with the table ARAdjust that links ARInvoice and ARPayment.

@ChandraM I think I found my problem. I changed the subreport collection parameters to:

DocType =ARAdjust.AdjgDocType]

RefNbr =ARAdjust.AdjgRefNbr]

And I am now getting the desired results.

Hi @nathantrauscht Thanks for the update!

Hi @rwhetsell77 Please find the screenshots of the Build Schema for quick reference here:


  1. Shows the Join between ARInvoice and ARAdjust


  1. Shows the Joines between ARAdjust and ARPayment


@ChandraM I was close to what you had, just had some items crossed. I’ve set this up as indicated but get the following results. When set up exactly the way you indicated, I get this:


If I make the ARAdjust - ARPayment a left join instead of inner, I get this (I’ve redacted the customer sensitive info):

So almost working, but not pulling the payment type and payment extrefnbr.

I couldn’t pull your zip file, wanted to review the relationships to make sure I didn’t have something different that would throw this off.
