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Customers statement

  • 27 July 2023
  • 7 replies

Am trying to generate customers statement but it’s giving the below error


What might be the course?


I recommend opening two customer profile screens side by side to compare a customer whose statement works, to the “problem customer”.  Check the Mailings tab to see if a different statement is being used for this customer:

  Is there any more information in Tools → trace after the error occurs?

Thank you.



Hi @helpdesk37 

Have you tried to generate demand on Customer screen for particular customer 


Additionally can you please confirm the customer balance which you trying to generate statement?

It’s only happening for one customer 

Hello @helpdesk37 ,

Is the problem happening for all customers, or just one customer? (Do statements work for other customers?)

Was the printed statement modified/customized?  If so, disable the modified statement and let us know whether the standard statement prints without error.

Is the Prepare Statements process customized?  If so, temporarily un-publish the customization and let us know whether the statement works with customizations temporarily unpublished.

Does the statement work when Prepared and printed from Prepare/Print Statements Process screens?


Thank you.


Yes, have  tried  generate demand on customers screen and it’s still bring the error

Hi @helpdesk37 

Have you tried to generate demand on Customer screen for particular customer 


Can you attached a copy of the Statement form
