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Hello, I’m looking to automatically add an item to an order when a certain item is entered on a sales order.

An example would be: User enters item ‘X’ on the sales order, and item ‘Y’ is automatically entered after it.

This is useful for promotions or when we’re trying to sell certain products together. It’s easier for our sales team if there could be some automation, instead of manually entering these items each time.



I have a similar need.  This would be a very helpful feature for us. 

I would go at accomplishing this using a new screen/DAC/table to keep track of the items and what needs to be added, and then a graph extension that extends SOOrderEntry to trigger on SOLIne_InventoryID_FieldUpdated to check for the item, and then add it if it does not exist. I can whip up a customization project/video example.

@krichardson If you have an example or video I could see an example of the set up, that would be wonderfully appreciated. Thank You!

We have done this with a business event that triggers an import scenario

Hi @bimckenzie,

There are 2 cases here.

In the above-provided example, If the “Y” item is a free item, then you can configure the discounts (Discount by Free Item) as per your requirement so that Acumatica will take care of adding the Y adding as soon as you add the X item. Attached screenshot for reference.


If the above option does not work, then we need to come up with the below customization.

-- In the Stock Items screen, create a new field “Add Item” with the Inventory Selector field. 

-- For the X product, you can select the newly created field as “Y”

-- In the Sales Order screen, we need to have logic/customization in place, like when the user is adding the X item then the “Y” item has to add.

-- Also, we need to have customization is in place for the X item deletion also.


Hope this helps!! 

Hi @bimckenzie 

In addition to the suggestions given above, 

  • You can explore the Non stock Kit item setup to bundle the items you would want to sell. Here is relevant documentation link:
  • This does have limitation to dispaly the components at document level. You may explore customization to display the components in required format at document level.


  • You can use Promotional discount option to add free item, if the item is a free item. 

Here is relevant documentation reference :

Hope this helps,


Is there a way to limit shipping the free item if the regular item is not in stock? 


We do not want to use the Ship Complete option since the order may contain other items that need to ship first

@Naveen Boga In 22R1 we do not have this option of “Free Item”. We only see “Percent” and “Amount”
Is there a particular version this was introduced? Or is it part of a specifc module?


@Ellie  I believe that you just need to enable the Free Items in the Enable/Disable Features screen.


David Eichner, CPA

@DavidEichner That option does not exist as far as i can see.

My apologies.  It is part of the Related Items feature.  You should be able see that one under inventory.


David Eichner, CPA

@DavidEichner That was it! Thank you very much.

Discount must be set as Group
