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We would like to be able to modify to outgoing New User notification so that it first checks the user class, then sends out a different pre made NUn based on its findings.

For example:

An employee/internal user gets an email that says:

Hello (Insert Employee name)!

Your password must be updated. Please login at using the following credentials where you will be prompted to change your password:

Username: your Email address Password: users password

Please visit

Blah, blah blah.

But an unlimited external user would get:

Hello (Insert contact name)!

Your password must be updated using the following credentials where you will be prompted to change your password:

Username: Your Email address Password: users password

For Help visit:

(Different Blah, blah blah.)

Attachment 1 Attachment 2

It seems to be hardcoded to only sent one no matter the class in "Email Preferences" Screen (SM204001)



You would need to removed the new user notification from email preferences. Then create a Generic Inquiry that shows the users, their class, and their email address (and anything else you would need for the notifications). Then setup two business events one to trigger for each class then the business event would send the notifications not email preferences. 

Hi David,

I’m trying to do the exact same thing and I did create a generic inquiry. However, I’m not able to provide the user with their password because it’s encrypted in the Users table. The canned welcome notification is pulling the password in as highlighted in the screenshot below:




I can’t seem to replicate that situation using the generic inquiry.

Any suggestions?



I am attaching xml file for GI, Business Event, and Email Template to make this work. 

You can contact me if you have any questions

GI to track users and email template.
