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How do we get a signature on a PO, based on who the buyer is at Britton when sending PO to vendor?

Hi @jvinski71 Please elaborate the solution you are looking. Are you trying to have the signature in the Purchase Order form based on the Owner of the PO? Please confirm


Hi @ChandrasekharM , yes we are looking to see if we could get the signature on the PO form based on the Owner of the PO.

Hi @jvinski71 This is not out of the box feature. This has be customized. There are 2 options to perform this activity. Here is the Option I

Option I

  1. Embed all the signature pictures into the Report
  2. Conditionally populated the Signatures based on the Owner

Advantage - Only report changes and no customization on the screens

Limitation - When ever you have a new signature, you have to change the report with the additional signature.


Hi @jvinski71 Here is the Option II with customizations to the screen and the Purchase order report. This is quite complex than option I.

  1. Customize the users screen to have a Picture box.
  2. The signature picture of the user can be uploaded here when required.
  3. Changes to the PO Report: Conditionally fetch the signature from users screen and show it on the report

Advantage - One time customization. When ever you have a new signature, you just add the signature on the users screen. No report changes required. 


There is one other solution which I have just done.

Add a signature.png to the owners employee record, file attachment.

Join the PO Owner to the contact OwnerID=ContactID

Join Contact to Employee ContactID=DefContactID

Join Employee to NoteDoc NoteID=NoteID

Join NoteDoc to UploadFile FileID=FileID


Then populate like below for a picture box



There is one issue with that process.  Seems acumatica will print the report based on the access rights of the user printing it.  If they don’t have access to the screen where the image is being stored then it won’t print. FYI
