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Mobile App Sales Orders

After updating from 2020R1 to 2021R1, i went to create a quote in the mobile app and this is what popped up. Does anyone know if this is something that needs to be fixed at the inquiry level or customization level? I am not sure where to start.


6 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Sorry - forgot to attach the screen shot!

Here it is


Userlevel 3

This error can mean that a field is being inserted twice. If that is the case, it is likely due to a customization that is inserting a field that was fixed in 2021r1.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I just went through and looked and removed the error it showed me at the bottom. It still is doing the same thing. I think i am going to have to delete the customization and start over. :/

Userlevel 3

Do you have a customization for mobile sales orders? Could it be the customer order number field? 

I had that issue.


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I customized the sales order screen in the mobile app.. i too had a customer order number field and i removed it but i cant publish it until later today when everyone is out of the system. i already asked them to get out once this morning so i will wait this time :) I will publish it tonight and see if it worked and let you know. 

Thank you!

Hopefully that is all it is. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Update: I published the customization that i removed the Inventory ID field and it works just fine now. :)
