I presume you mean you aim to use a Business event to make it not active. It is going to be a tricky one to achieve as you will need to look at all the inventory movements for each warehouse to see if there are any for the last 6 months. If you make the warehouse inactive and there is a quantity in any location in that warehouse you wont be able to sell it so do you need to factor the stock quantities.
I think you will need a SQL query to create the GI to determine which warehouse is inactive and then use this to drive a business event on a scheduler
Yes but be aware the the IN405500 is not a table so may not be available in a GI so you may have to build all the logic using the transaction tables to do so.
Thank you for your response.
Yes, I was thinking of creating a query to retrieve the same data from the screen warehouse (non-moving items IN405500) using the last purchase and last sale dates (> 6 months) as a condition to do a scheduled task and make these warehouses inactive, as you mentioned.
What do you think ?