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Default Cash Account Setup on Single Entities.

  • 8 June 2022
  • 6 replies

I am new to Acumatica. We have one client who only has one entity setup (no branches/multiple companies) In the past there was no need to setup a default payment method and cash account for each vendor (single entity). However, when I try to hit the Pay button I get an error message pops up (See second screenshot). Also when I go to Prepare Payments not everything is showing up. Note: In A/P preferences the item to require approval for payments is not selected. Let me know if something changed recently or is it now a requirement to have the vendor or vendor class have a Payment Method and Cash Account selection. (This is even though there is no* by the field). Any help would be appreciated. 




Frances Pantelidakis




Hi @FrancesPantelidakis24,

The Pay action invoked from an AP Bill creates an AP Check document on the Checks and Payments form, where, where the Payment Method and Cash Account fields are marked as required:


Upon creating an AP Check from an AP Bill document, the system defaults values to the Payment Method and Cash Account fields from the source AP Bill:


And if these fields are empty in the source AP Bill, then values are taken from the Default Payment Settings section of the Vendors form:


So that, if the Payment Method and Cash Account fields are empty in both places, then the
AP Error: Cash Account is not set up for Vendor. error is shown in an attempt to create an AP Check from the AP Bill.


Hi Frances,

I recommend leaving cash account blank on vendors so you can easily pay bills from different bank accounts and methods and companies (if you had them). I recommend filling in the payment method on the Vendor Classes which defaults to the vendors themselves.

If/When leaving the bank account blank on vendors, we then identify a default bank account for each branch in the Payment Methods, so that each bill comes together with payment method default from the vendor and bank account default from the Payment Method.

There may still be cases when we want to pay by a different method (vendor default to check, for example, but today we want to pay them by ACH). In these cases you can either update the bills to change from the default Check to ACH or you may simply click + at the top of the grid in Prepare Payments screen, and add to the screen the documents that didn’t default into Prepare payments based on the payment method and cash account above.

Good luck.

Hi Julia, 

Thanks for your help. I have another question. In A/P preferences, if you have the field Require Approval of Bills Prior to Payment unchecked, do you know why the bills still show up under Approve Bills for Payment (even though no approval is required) or is there anyway we can bypass approve bills for payment to cut checks? Let me know. 



That field is kind of a placebo.  I think it might be a throwback from before we had approval maps in Acumatica, perhaps?  Or a simpler way of requiring people to approve by simply checking this box  on the Financial tab of Bills?

Most approvals are now done with approval maps that are attached on the Approvals TAB of AP preferences and various places in other preferences screens.


Hi Laura,


For this client they only have one company with no branches and will not be setting up a A/P approval workflow. FYI- They are on 2021 R2. Thanks or the tip. 


Hi Frances,

If the Require Approval of Bills Prior to Payment check box is cleared on the Accounts Payable Preferences form, AP documents are automatically approved and can be payed using the Pay action from the Bills and Adjustments form or Prepare Payments form. At the same time, AP Bills will still be shown on the Approve Bills for Payment form. Here is an abstract from the help article about the usage of the Approve Bills for Payment form:


If the approval of bills is not required prior to payment, the Approve Bills for Payment form can be removed from the site map or used as an inquiry showing totals for documents selected using various criteria.

More information about the Bill Approval for Payment.
