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I have a IFF here that is working for formatting the cell in yellow

=IIf( [POOrder.Status] = 'N', IIf( [POLine.PromisedDate] < Today(), 'yellow40', 'default'), 'default')


What I want is to highlight the cells that are +14 days from today.

Like you can in a filter @Today+14




Hi @john25  You wanted to highlight the cells where the PromisedDate > 14 days from today?

Naveen, that is correct.

Hi @john25 

Try using DateDiff function. Here is thread that has an example.

Hope this helps. 


Hi @john25  You can use below formula. I just verified it and working as expected.


=IIf( (POOrder.Status] = 'N', IIf( DateDiff( 'd', ,POLine.PromisedDate] , Today())  < 14 , 'yellow40', 'default'), 'default')



@Naveen Boga  could you please also include to highlight the dates less then @today?




Hi @john25  Try like below it may work (I have not tested it)


=IIf( fPOOrder.Status] = 'N', IIf(   ÂPOLine.PromisedDate]  < Today() , 'yellow40', 'default'), 'default')
