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I followed this tutorial to set up automatically closing a case on pending customer status after 10 days. 


Implement Business Event 3: Trigger by Schedule with Record Change


However I noticed the Automation Steps is no longer supported for the Cases screen. Is this tutorial still relevant? Are there any workarounds?

This screenshot is from the article


This is the warning I’m seeing on 2023R1


Thank you!

Hi @Mle45 

We have same Business event in ACUMATICA comes as default, Did you get chance to review it.

I have Update for your info


@manikantad18 Thank you for the suggestion. 

I checked the business event and it only send an email notification alert. I was hoping to set it up so that the case would automatically change the status from ‘Pending Customer’ to ‘Closed’ after 10 days. Is it possible? 

Hi @Mle45 

Please add an Import scenario to Update the case status,


I added an Import Scenario (following the tutorial), but it’s not working yet. Must have missing something. 

Hi @Mle45 

Here is the Import scenario 


Hi @Mle45 - Did you resolve this issue?  If not, please reach out to me via Private Message here. 


