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I am testing moving a site to a new location due to drive space constraints.

I created a site Test2 on the old location.

I copied the site files to my new location.

I updated the web config file in VS to my new location as well as the virtual folder path in IIS.

The site works fine.  I can even publish a customization to it.

In addition, to ensure it isn’t a security issue, I set permissions to the new location by adding Everyone and granting full control.

However, in the Application Maintenance screen of the installer, it still references the old location.

Where can I edit this information so that the installer sees the real location?  I cannot find any references to the old location in the site.


You can see the new location is updated in IIS

The application pool also shows the new location


I found it.  There is a registry setting


It’s been a while since I’ve had to edit the registry.  I should have thought of it before posting this.


I found it.  There is a registry setting


It’s been a while since I’ve had to edit the registry.  I should have thought of it before posting this.


Thanks for posting the solution though because I know trying to move it on your local machine can be difficult. 

I have created a list of steps to do in order to move a site (on a local PC anyway).  I also moved my customization project so those steps are also included.

  1. Copy site to new location
  2.  Edit path of site in IIS
        From: C:\OldLocation
        To:   C:\NewLocation
  3. Copy custom projects to new location if you wish
  4. Edit registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acumatica ERP\SITENAME Path key
        From: C:\OldLocation\SITENAME\SITENAME\
        To:   C:\NewLocation\SITENAME\SITENAME\
  5. Open VS (without code), open the site and find and replace in the entire solution
        From: C:\OldLocation\
        To:   C:\NewLocation\
  6. In VS, open customization project from the new location    
  7. Remove old site reference as it is no longer valid
  8. Add new site to the solution
  9. Delete project dll from the site bin folder
  10. Re-add reference to project
  11. Change reference paths in project
            From: C:\OldLocation\SITENAME\SITENAME\Bin\
            To:   C:\NewLocation\SITENAME\SITENAME\Bin
  12. Launch site
  13. Open customization project
  14. Bind to existing and choose new location of the project
  15. Restart Machine
  16. Rename the site in the old folder location and test

So far so good...

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @Joe Schmucker !
