Do you know which 2021 R2 version it’s compatible with? We’ve got it loaded on version 21.205.0063. When attempting to upgrade our Acumatica instance to latest version, 21.210.0030, the validation of customizations is throwing off an error. Smartsheet is our only published customization.
Here’s the customization validation error. Though I’m not asking to resolve error...just which latest version of 2021 R2 Smartsheet supports, or where to find that information on GitHub.
Error: “The selected update is not compatible with the customization published on the website. The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.”
Thank you!
Hi all - @mikeschmitt81 and @Omar Ghazi , not just me then :)
If it helps, when I tried to publish I get the following on validation (using Build 22.105.0031 + ):-
No errors or warnings have been found during validation. Validation has completed successfully.
File | Bin\NLog.dll Validation has completed successfully.
File | Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll Validation has completed successfully.
File | Bin\smartsheet-csharp-sdk.dll Validation has completed successfully.
File | Pages\SS\SS501000.aspx Validation has completed successfully.
File | Pages\SS\SS501000.aspx.cs Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Attribute | SmartSheetIntegration.ListPMTaskAttribute Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.EPEmployeeSSExt
SmartSheetIntegration.EPEmployeeSSExt extends cache PX.Objects.EP.EPEmployee
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Cache | SmartSheetIntegration.EPUsersListSS Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.EmployeeMaintExtSS Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.PMProjectSSExt
SmartSheetIntegration.PMProjectSSExt extends cache PX.Objects.PM.PMProject
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.PMSetupSSExt
SmartSheetIntegration.PMSetupSSExt extends cache PX.Objects.PM.PMSetup
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Cache | SmartSheetIntegration.PMSSMapping Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Cache | SmartSheetIntegration.PMSubTask Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.PMTaskSSExt
SmartSheetIntegration.PMTaskSSExt extends cache PX.Objects.PM.PMTask
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Cache | SmartSheetIntegration.PMTemplateListSS Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.ProjectEntrySmartsheetExt Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.ProjectEntry_WorkflowSmartsheetExt Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.SetupMaintExt Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.TemplateTaskMaintExt Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.SmartsheetConstants/ActionsNames Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.SmartsheetConstants/Messages Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.SmartsheetConstants/TableNames Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.SmartsheetConstants/ViewName Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.SmartsheetConstants/ColumnMapping Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph | SmartSheetIntegration.SmartsheetSyncProcess Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.AccessUsersSSIExt Validation has completed successfully.
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Class | SmartSheetIntegration.UsersSSExt SmartSheetIntegration.UsersSSExt extends cache PX.SM.Users
Bin\PX.SmartSheetIntegration.dll | Graph extension | SmartSheetIntegration.MyProfileMaintExt Validation has completed successfully.
Page | pages\ep\ep203000.aspx Validation has completed successfully.
Page | pages\pm\pm101000.aspx Validation has completed successfully.
Page | pages\pm\pm208010.aspx Validation has completed successfully.
Page | pages\pm\pm301000.aspx Validation has completed successfully.
Page | pages\sm\sm203010.aspx Validation has completed successfully.
SiteMapNode | Synchronize Smartsheet | SS501000 Validation has completed successfully.
Sql | EPUsersListSS Validation has completed successfully.
Sql | PMSSMapping Validation has completed successfully.
Sql | PMSubTask Validation has completed successfully.
Sql | PMTemplateListSS Validation has completed successfully.
Table | Contract Validation has completed successfully.
Table | EPEmployee Validation has completed successfully.
Table | PMSetup Validation has completed successfully.
Table | PMTask Validation has completed successfully.
Table | Users Validation has completed successfully.
Could not resolve interface type PX.Owin.IConditionalOwinConfigurationPart when enumerating interfaces of SmartSheetIntegration.SSAuthenticationHandler
Could not resolve interface type PX.Owin.ISessionDependentOwinConfigurationPart when enumerating interfaces of SmartSheetIntegration.SSAuthenticationHandler
At a guess I’m wondering if its something to do with OAUTH implementation, but as my coding skills are based in a time period before chips evolved legs I’m chancing my arm with that comment ...
As per comments from @mfrench, not necessarily looking for a fix as not able to contribute much towards it, however happy to test and have a (copied) live environment I can use for that if it helps at all.
Also very interested to see how many others in the community are using this product - for ourselves, ProCore is not the lead in UK Construction market (Oracle Primavera P6 is) so for construction implementations until Acumatica have planning board available for Project within the core we’re somewhat reliant on the continued use of this integration. @tleppek would you care to comment on Smartsheet use from your region?
Thanks for listening all,