Hey everyone!
We have recently released quizzes for several courses at Acumatica Open University. Now you can easily check your knowledge after you complete a course and receive a certificate for successful completion. Quizzes can be completed by signed-in users only, so to take a quiz, you will need to sign in to the site with the SSO credentials first.
If you don’t have an SSO account, you can create it on the fly. Here is the link to the instructions: How can I create an Acumatica Portal account for sign-in to Acumatica Open University?
Quizzes are currently available for the following course:
- A150 Getting Started with Acumatica ERP
- T190 Quick Start in Customization
- T200 Maintenance Forms
- T210 Customized Forms and Master-Detail Relationship
- T220 Data Entry and Setup Forms
To find a quiz, in the course catalog, hover over a course card. Courses that contain a quiz, have a special icon on the back side of a card. Please see the screenshot below for details:

Found a course with this icon? Click the card to open the course page. On the course page, in the row with the Course Description tab, you will find the Quiz tab. Move to this tab and start a quiz!
Be careful, you will have only one attempt. If you are not sure about the answer, check the guide first.
If you have any questions, feel free to write them in the comments.