"Shopify and Shopify POS Connector" vs "Shopify Connector"
We currently have the Shopify Connector setup and want to start using the Shopify POS.
I don’t see the Shopify and Shopify POS Connector option or Custom Connectors option in our production environment, just the Shopify Connector option.
We have the Distribution Edition and added Shopify. We don’t have the Commerce Edition, I’m wondering if that is why, or is it just a completely different license and it’ll be added after we get a difference license that includes the POS Connector?
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@bryanb39 - I believe this is based upon not having the commerce edition license. You would need the prepare data sync and process data sync which would then pull the orders from Shopify into Acumatica which requires the commerce edition license.
@StevenRatner we have those, Shopify (non POS) works fine.
We just signed the contract to get the one with POS. I'm thinking once the license is provisioned it'll show up. I'll confirm and post here in case anyone else runs into this question.
Seems like some features show up even if not licensed and just won't work, and others need the license first.
@bryanb39 I’m the Program Manager on our Retail team, with focus on Point of Sale. Noting you have a request with Acumatica and adding Shopify POS to your contract.
I am interested in learning more about your future Shopify POS requirements. Please see my information below and let’s connect at your convenience.