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In our Shopify connector we get this error code on the customer entity that reads “Error on phone: Phone number already been taken.” Or it will read “Error on phone: Enter a valid phone number.” It prevents the customer record from syncing to Shopify, and will also prevent a new sales order for a given customer to sync into Acumatica. It seems like the system is doing some sort of validation on the phone number field on the customer, this is the field on the general tab under the additional account info section. 


@mralyea , the error that you mentioned is from Shopify side, I think you have this error when you export the Customer to Shopify. 

If you import the order from Shopify into Acumatica, it will not have this error.

When you export the order to Shopify, it will export the Customer first, and Shopify will do the validation for the Email/Phone/State/Postal code, etc. If the validation failed, Shopify will throw the error. 

@KarthikGajendran I recently attended the Summit 2024 and joined a few sessions you lead. In the first session you lead called Retail Synchronization I saw this exact error on your screen while presenting. You did not go over the error in detail but I was just curious if that would help you better understand this error we are still encountering. You are right we are getting this error on many re ordering customers and every time I manually have to clear the phone number on the Acumatica customer record for the new sales order to import. 

@mikeho That is the only solution I have found, to remove the phone number from the customer record in ACU and try resyncing. I get the same results where the phone number never comes back in on the customer record. @KarthikGajendran I can create a case with our VAR who will help escalate to Acumatica.

@mralyea , did you say in this discussion - 

 that the issue was stemming from a customization?

@mralyea  I think you setup the Customer entity sync direction is “Bidirectional”, system will try to import data from Shopify and export data from Acumatica. So when you import the order, it will sync the customer first, system will check the last modified time field in both Shopify and Acumatica system, if data is updated in both sides, system will check the Primary system, if Primary system is “ERP”, system will export data from Acumatica to Shopify; if Primary system is “External”, system will import data from Shopify to Acumatica. 

@mralyea Sometimes there could be some space before or after the phone number and that could cause this error. Shopify is very strict with the phone and email address validation. I dont think it will try to update every time. If it is the case then you might be getting error in many customer records. 

Anyway, after removing the phone number and when you import more orders for this customer, let us know if you encounter the error again. Thank you. 

@mralyea  You dont have to clear the phone number every time to import the records. This is not good. Could you please create a case with Acumatica? We need to look into the data. I very certain it is related to data issue. 


@KarthikGajendran I tried resyncing that customer record several times after removing the phone number in Acumatica and it never reimported from the customer record.

That error was related to products/inventory items. You are correct that was related to a customization. This error I mentioned above is is different and unrelated as far as I can tell. It is on the customer entity, different orders/customers being impacted.

You are right this is happening when we export the customer record, but the error sits on the customer so when they want to reorder the error will then prevent the new sales order from coming in. But I get what your saying it is Shopify validating the phone number not Acumatica.

Right, yes I have it set to bidirectional and ERP as primary system. The reason I think it is some sort of validation step (in whichever system) is because the error says invalid. It does not make sense though because the phone number is the same in both systems, the only way I can clear the error is by removing the phone number completely from the Acumatica customer account. The sync wants to update that field it seems every time it syncs, but it is not allowing some sort of override. So it fails.

@KarthikGajendran we have recently started experiencing the same issue.

Is the suggested solution to delete the phone number from the customer record in Acumatica and then resync? Because while that allows the records to sync, in my testing the phone number remains deleted in the customer record in Acumatica (instead of reimporting from the corresponding customer record in Shopify).

@mikeho Could you please try to resync that particular customer record and see if it fixes? 
