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Generic Inquiry List/Report

  • 16 October 2020
  • 4 replies

I am trying to build a GI to list all Generic Inquiries in the system. The Site Map Title is not within the GIDesign table. I believe I need to tie the GIDesign table with the SiteMap table to get those details. Can’t seem to figure that out though… Has anyone been successful with this?

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Ehren_Dimitry,


I have created a simple GI to get all the Generic Inquiries with SiteMap details. Please find attached the XML format of GI and verify it. I hope this will help you.


Best Regards,
Naveen B

Userlevel 1

Hi Naveen!

Thanks for your help! So much appreciated…

This certainly gets me closer. However, it is only showing me generic inquiries that are visible to the UI. I changed the join to LEFT for GIDesign & SiteMap and the results didn’t change. 

My goal is to have a list of all GI’s so we can better manage them. There are several that are created for testing/learning, others that are project-based. I want to create filters based on the description field, if they are in the UI, etc….

Thanks again!


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi Ehren,

Sure. Yes, will get the exected results by doing this way!  Thanks for verifying and providing an update on this.

Naveen B

Userlevel 1

Hey @Ehren_Dimitry 

I’ve reviewed GI made by @naveenb74  (thanks! we use similar internally) and corrected it’s joins;

Pls find GI xml file in attachment 
