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I am wondering has anyone came across this odd anomaly during SO Quote creation?

Everything was entered line by line and when I printed the report it duplicated each line.

The crazy thing is everything add up correctly.  I checked the SOLine table for this quote and it is fine there was no duplicate data.  I checked the report and it looks fine too.  This duplication did not happen to other quotes just this one.  I copy the quote to another quote and the same issue happened.



We just had something similar happen.  We found that there was a duplicate Alternate IDs (Cross Reference) set up for the inventory item.  When we removed the duplicate, the line did not display twice on the form.  

Not sure if that is the case in your situation, but something to check out.


Hi Kathy,

Just checked the Alternate IDs and its all empty, not sure what the report is pulling that is causing this.

I re entered the sku into a new order and the duplicate does not show up.

Since you are seeing different line numbers on the Sales Order screen versus the report, I think the report is joined to, and displaying, SOLineSplit instead of just SOLine. The split lines can provide useful data like allocations, but additional care has to be taken on reports since you will often want to group by inventoryID.

=IIf([SOLine.InventoryID]<>Null, Format( '{0}', [SOLine.InventoryID]),'')


this is the code for itemid

Hi @Nelson Yip 

Looks like the report has been customized. Please provide the screenshot reflecting the relationship set between tables/DACs. You can attach the report .rpx file as well to check. 




Hi @Nelson Yip  Did you ever end up getting to the bottom of this issue?

Most often when I see issues like this where a specific document has duplicate data but others don’t then it has to do with the relations and one of the relations like a Contact or Location table will cause this when the Vendor/Customer has multiples of that type of data.

Let us know if you still have questions on this.
