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Please explain the difference between Completed and Approved status in Weekly Crew Time

Thank you



Here a list of status for the Time and Expense

The status of the time activity/ time card /weekly crew time, which is set by the system and can be one of the following options:

  • On Hold: The time card is a draft and cannot be released.
  • Pending Approval: The time card/time activity has been completed and is ready for approval.
  • Approved: The time card has been approved.
  • Rejected: The time card /time activity has been rejected by the authorized person. A warning appears for the rejected record.
  • Released: The time card/time activity has been released. If any of the activities from the time card is associated with a specific project, at least one project transaction has been generated; for more information, see Employee Time Billing: General Information. If any of the activities is associated with contracts (through cases), contract usage data has been updated; for more information, see Contract Usage: Contract Usage .
  • Open: The time activity is ready to be approved or completed.
  • Completed: The time activity has been either approved by the authorized person or accepted without approval.
  • Canceled: The time activity has been canceled.

Thank you so much - this is exactly what we needed.  
