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I am currently trying to configure an ACH file that my customer uses for payroll, and I am not sure how to have the transaction type change as needed. Currently, the code is 22, but if a check is $0, it needs to change to a 23 to indicate that it is a pre-note. I cant seem to find anything for this in the .txt file or the export scenario - what is the best way to go about this?

Not sure what those codes are, but ACH is already configured in Acumatica with the standard Nacha file.

In teh banking module under payment methods make sure your ACH method has use in PR marked.

Then go to your ACH  payment method  and under settings for use in PR make sure that you setup teh create batch payments and under export scenario use “Export PR Payment to ACH”

On the employee file make sure to setup your payment method to the ACH payment method. You can split the payment into as many accounts as you want but the last one has to have 100% so it uses the $$ that are left over.

Please test with the Export as Prenote option without making changes to the code numbering.


@KristenHanson84 - That will work well enough for us. Thank you!

Hi @pbennett does this feature have to be purchased or enabled? I’m running 23.207.0025 and on banking module payment methods screen I don’t see any option to use in PR. Same thing in Cash Accounts screen.

The ACH functionality is already part of the system.

So did more research and the ACH prenote functionality is only available if you have Payroll module.
