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Raw material with demand but the MRP does not suggest purchasing.

  • 6 April 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi everyone! 

I have a situation with the MRP, I hope you can help me.

I have raw material M-7289 with stock of 12,480.


I have 2 released production orders whose demand for that raw material is 15,456 each. The total demand is 30,912.

Inventory Allocation Details

The first thing that strikes me is that the allocation type is “Production to purchase”, instead of Production demand. 
The second one is the Available Qty remains the same, Is this correct?


When I run the MRP it does not suggest me the raw material M-7289 in the results to buy it.

However, if I go to the “Create purchases orders” process, there I get the requirement to buy.


This raw material is not configured as "purchase to order"

Stock Item

However in the production order detail it activates the option "Mark for PO", I understand that this is because it was put in the stock item -->Manufacturing --->Dftl Mark For: "Purchase".

Production Order Details

All the raw material has the same configuration, however, almost all products are suggested for purchase by the MRP, the problem is with a few like this case.

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this issue in order that all raw materials will be suggested by the MRP?

Thanks in advance.


5 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3


There are a couple questions in this post. I am going to break out each question but I will need a picture of Detail Inquiry (AM404000) for the item in question to understand what is being suggested by MRP to answer why MRP is not suggesting tp purchase the material. 

  1. Why is the allocation type Production to Purchase? - Because the materials are marked for purchase on production order details this changes the allocation type. 
  2. What situation would cause Create Purchase orders to suggest creating a purchase order for an item but MRP would not suggest to purchase? - If the item is marked for PO on production order details then this will send it to create purchase order process screen or if a sales order line has mark for po selected. MRP only looks at projected quantity on hand at the time the demand is needed so if there is sufficient supply then there will be no recommendation to create a purchase order from MRP. 
  3. Why is availability not changing? - Check your availability calculations are set correctly for the item class.
  4. Why is MRP not suggesting a purchase order for the M-7289 Product? - Would need to see Detail Inquiry (AM404000) for the material warehouse combination, there could be several reasons why MRP is not suggesting to purchase this item. If demand is not appearing on Detail Inquiry (AM404000) check MRP Preferences (AM100000) and the Warehouse settings to ensure production orders are included. 
Userlevel 2

Hi @andrestamour43

Thank you for your detailed answer.

I this is the screen (AM100000) related to the product and the warehouse (as you can see it is empty). 



Actually, my concern is, why Acumatica put “Mark for PO” in the JOB, instead of sending it to the MRP? This raw material is configured like all the others, and they appear in the MRP suggestions.


This (M-7289) and some others are isolated cases, 95% of the raw material is suggested by the MRP. 


By the way, I remove the “Mark for PO” in the job, regenerate the MRP and the result was the same.

This is the Critical Material for the Production order:


Thanks in advance.


Userlevel 5
Badge +3


Are both production orders released or are they Planned? If the orders are in Planned status and your MRP preferences has the Include On Hold Production Orders preference cleared then this could be the reason why the materials are not showing up. 

If the order is released or the Include On Hold Production Orders preference is selected and you still do not have demand for these items on MRP then I would suggest reaching out to Acumatica support for further investigation.

PS. Items marked for PO on the JOB should still be sent to MRP if there is a shortage for the item. Typically if an item is to be bough directly for a job then the check box would be selected and before running MRP I would suggest clearing the Create Purchase Order screen because creating a purchase order from MRP Display will NOT link the purchase order directly to a demand. 

Hope this helps,


Userlevel 2

Thank you @andrestamour43 !

I'm already in contact with Acumatica support, I'll let you know what they tell me about this issue.

Thank you very much for your help.


Userlevel 2

After some contacts with support, it was determined that the warehouse did not have the “Production Orders” option checked, which is why some raw materials did not appear in the MRP.

Thank you all for your support.
