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We want to come up with a way to receiving inspection without purchasing additional add-on software.

By default, our PO receipt comes in with a status of “Hold”.

This could work if the user ID that enters the receipt does not have rights to change the status.

While assignment maps do allow you to select PO Receipts, status is not one of the criteria you can use for the rule.


Has anyone any suggestions on how to keep the user who enters the receipt from being able to take the receipt off of hold?  We want the inspector to take it off of hold.


Or any other way to process receiving inspection without buying more software?

@ltussing03 Have you tried using Field level security?

Well look at you Debbie being all smart and helpful late on a Friday afternoon!

No I have not and hadn’t even thought of trying field level security.


Just out of curiosity, do you know this will work or is it something to try?

If you know it will work I won’t give up until I get it.

Thanks again Debbie, I always appreciate you willingness to help and your great advice!

HI @ltussing03 

You could also use Access Rights, and change the rights on that Role under Purchase Receipts



kbeatty THANK YOU!!!

That looks like the perfect answer that I had overlooked!!!


To complete this off after setting up with User Roles, create a Dashboard with PO Receipts ‘On Hold’. That way it is very easy to spot which POR’s need to be reviewed and released. Or add a Widget into your default dashboard you use or is your landing dashboard page. 
