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We have parts that we need to inspect on receipt before they can be sold.  We have an inventory location that we receive to that does not allow sales (issues).  We would like to create a production order to inspect these items but cannot issue them from the receipt location to a production order.


Any ideas on a better approach to handle incoming inspections, including scheduling and prioritizing the inspections?

We are as manufacturing partner. I recommend eWorkplace for true quality control requirements. 

Thanks, we have considered some add-ons, but my board is already giving us a hard time about getting nickeled and dimed every time we want to do something new.  We need a solution we can implement out of the box.

We don’t need the full QA solution, just need to be able to schedule and prioritize the inspections just like they were production orders.

Have considered using the newer features of low code / no code workflows. You could modify the receiving workflow and create a quality step. Add a couple udf fields and a dashboard and you might like that solution. 

Thanks, I had not considered that but will look into it.

Here’s a workaround that does not require an ISV extension or even a customization - Kit Assembly

  • Mark the stock items requiring QC as kit items
  • Create kit specifications where the Component ID is the same as the finished stock item.  Add non-stock items like labour and test materials, if required.
  • Set your QC hold location to allow receipts and kit assembly but not sales or transfers
  • Use Kit Assembly transactions to record quantities and select destination locations.  QC details could be recorded in the notes.

I hope that this helps.

Thanks, that may be a good work around for us as we are already using kits for other things.
