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HI All,

I would like to set the system automatically Update IN Shipment when that Shipment meet some specific condition.

With version 23R1 we cant apply Auto-Run with Condition directly on the system Action (UpdateIN)

Therefore I create a new workflow Action UpdateINSH

Create a new condition. Result: apply for all Shipment type Transfer and apply for Shipment type Shipment has Customer Order Nbr starts with “RQ”

Create a transitions for the action has been created above

Add Auto-Run condition to new Action UpdateINSH


Expected Result: all shipments meet the above condition will automatically Update IN after confirmed

However, it doesn't work. Do anyone have idea on this?


Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @chidao!

Create Business Events with the conditions above to trigger the Import with action Update IN (import the list of shipments that need to be updated IN 

@Chris Hackett I havent found the solution yet

Hi @chidao were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hello @RohitRattan88 the condition in previous post helps me to hide a button from user in specific case. In this case, user still have to manual the action.

We want to advance when the system can run the action Update In automatically with condition. We apply the condition and it work well until upgrade to version 23R1

Auto-Run Condition dont work after upgrading to 23R1 | Community (

As advised, we have to create a new transition and apply condition with new transition, but it doesn't work.


does something like this not work for you?

